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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I'd like to invite you to speak or teach a workshop at my library/school/bookstore/festival/convention, etc. How do I contact you?
A: Thanks so much for thinking of me! The best way to get in touch with me about appearances is by submitting to me directly through my website form. I'll get back to you ASAP with my pricing and availability.
Q: I'm an author and I'd like to ask you for a blurb. How do I do that?
A: For blurb requests, please reach out to my literary agent, Erica Bauman. You can reach her through my agency's contact form. Please note due to time constraints that I am currently only considering projects that are traditionally published YA with a strong preference for horror, fantasy, and marginalized creators/characters.
Q: I want to publish a book. Can you help me?
A: I'm not available to offer individual manuscript, pitch, or query feedback at the moment, but I encourage you to check out Jane Friedman's article on how to publish a book. For querying authors, I highly recommend using QueryTracker for researching/keeping track of queries you've sent.
Q: I have an idea for your next book. Will you write it for me?
A: I am open to potential paid IP projects, which you can contact my literary agent about directly. If you're a reader hoping to offer an idea, I would argue that you will always be the better person to bring your story to life. Give writing a shot--it's a pretty good gig if I may say so myself. You might even get to spend your work day in pajamas with a cat in your lap writing an FAQ to procrastinate on your WIP someday (definitely not something I say out of personal experience).
Q: I loved your books and I want to send you a message about them! Where's the best place to do that?
A: Thank you so much for reading! My contact form works great for sending me messages directly, and I also check my DM requests on social media occasionally. I typically don't have time to respond to fan messages, but know that I do read them all and am incredibly grateful for readers who take the time to write them :)
Q: Will there be sequels to any of your books?
A: My Dearest Darkest was written to be the first in a duology, but that idea never stuck with my publisher, so we changed it into a standalone. As time went on, I became less inclined to write a sequel. So while I'm open to the idea of it someday under the right circumstances, it's unlikely that will happen.
This Delicious Death is firmly a standalone--Zoey, Celeste, Jasmine, and Val deserve a quiet college career after what I put them through, haha.
Practical Rules for Cursed Witches has a planned companion/sequel that I'll share details about in the near future.
Q: Will there be a movie/tv version of any of your books?
A: Hopefully! If there's any news I can share publically, know that I will be screaming about it here and on every social media known to man as soon as I can. For inquiries about film/tv rights, reach out to my film agent, Shivani Doraiswami, at
Q: Are you okay with people writing fan fiction or creating fan art based on your books?
A: ABSOLUTELY. I'm not allowed to read fan fic of my stuff for legal reasons, but I fully support it. If you post fan art, my only ask is that you tag me in it (if you're comfortable) so I can share it with other readers (and maybe make it my phone background).
Q: I'm creating a book display/pathfinder/diversity audit based on gender/sexual identity and want to include authors of a specific marginalization. What's your whole deal?
A: I'm bisexual and non-binary (I prefer they/them pronouns, but she/her is fine as well). I prefer not to be included in roundups of female/woman writers.
Q: I have to write a paper about you for school. Can you share some facts I can use?
A: Sure, check out the about me tab for the basics. I'm 28 years old, I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, then moved to Boston for undergrad where I've stayed for the last ten years or so. I got my BA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College and my MLIS from Simmons University. I worked as a teen/marketing librarian for roughly four years before I switched to writing full-time. I'm also an INFJ, a Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, and Virgo rising, and an enneagram 3w4.
Q: Why is your cat named Squid?
A: My friend who I adopted him from named him, so I can't take credit, but it's because he's black like squid ink.
Q: I have a question that wasn't answered here. What should I do?
A: Go ahead and send me a message through my contact form. I tend to be a little slow to answer, but I should get back to you in 3-5 business days if I have a solid answer for you.
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